
There are so much ways to map parameters to variable.
This is an attempt to give a non-exhaustive overview of what I found and what is left to try.
Prior Definition :
The control is the interface element that you interact with, it set the value of the parameter, the parameter's value is shaped to set the variable value, the variable value is used for computation

One-to-One *>->·

The most obvious way to map a parameter to a variable is to simply map the value of a parameter to the value of a variable.
Nonetheless, a lot of choices have to be made to obtain an effective and enjoyable parameter.

Relational *>=>[···]

Tuned control of linked parameters (appel de fonction d’organisation, définition d’array) perceptual tuned controling duplicated system / controling complex system

Macro *>=>·/·/·

Modifiying multiple param that are not linked. Makes parameters more usable than 1:1, lead to new modulation idea, replace / facilitate automation.

Shaping the parameter -!->

Most of the time, even on 1:1, the value of the parameter won't be the value of the variable. It is important to shape the parameter to have a sensible value to display to the user. The most common control is the knob
The first thing to tune is the course of the knob, the default is linear, the value of the parameter is the same as the value of the variable. Depending on the nature of your variable, non linear mapping may be more significant.
The textbook case is the frequency: it is percieved logarithmically, thus you'll need to exponentiate you mapping.
This is from a plain perceptive point of view, but log and exp can also be useful to manage where the interesting part of your parameters are.
Most of the feedback path can quickly become unstable, you'll need a lot of precision around this treshold.
You can shape multiple stage of the knob with different fonction to have a smooth and precise setting over the whole range, emphasizing some sound and sweet spot you've found.


It is a special case of all the above, where the parameter is based around a perceptive parameter


All of this is useless without proper interface to support coherence and to add cognitive support.
Things you want to visualize: helped by a visualization that respond to the parameter statuts, it may be generative art, Codec, from Lese, is a good exemple.
Here is an article of Izotopeabout their control: "the Gauge".
And this is the website of which have wonderful controls.
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1:1*** modification d’une variable définie du système (ou donner la même valeurs à plusieurs variable liées) ***Mode*** modification de l’effet d’un ou plusieurs paramètre, repointer vers d’autre variable / redéfinition complète du système